Two top reasons to invest in a good pair of running shoes

The best running shoes are shoes that’ll be kind and gentle on your feet throughout any running exercise. This benefit will reflect itself in its most striking way immediately after a race or a workout, when the way your feet feel then is a good indication of whether or not you have the right pair.


A good number of people today still don’t realise the importance of investing in a good pair of running shoes. So, here are two very important reasons to wear a proper pair of running shoes.

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Two reasons to run in proper running shoes

#1: To avoid blisters and other pains

If you use any kind of shoes – even ones for other types of athletic purposes – when you run, you’ll end up with sore feet. A further taboo is picking the wrong kind of socks to make matters that much worse.

Cotton socks are a big no-no when it comes to picking socks for running due to their tendency to cause friction against your skin. If you wear unwieldy or inappropriate shoes and cotton socks, you can expect to see your feet in bad shape after your run.

It’s also noteworthy to point out that this adverse effect will happen rather quickly, too. If you want to avoid blisters and the effects of sore feet, invest in proper running socks and shoes.

#2: For a perfect fit to your foot

Good running shoes will do one thing and provide one benefit first and foremost: A snug, comfortable, well-shape fit that’s tailored to your foot as much as possible. Proper running shoes will also make your feet feel lighter as you run.

The problem that’s caused by the rubbing of your heels against the wrong kind of shoe during running – which creates the onset of blisters – is also absent with the right pair of shoes. You’ll feel no nagging rubbing against your heel.

Nowadays, most athletic shoe stores provide in-store machine tests that shoe your foot type and, consequently, what type of running shoe fits your foot best.

Happy running!

Brew up a pot of turmeric and ginger tea to relieve your joint pain instantly

Turmeric and ginger are both brilliant anti-inflammatories and will assist with any kind of joint pain. Turmeric in particular has gotten a lot of attention lately. Its active ingredient is something called curcumin, which is a very powerful antioxidant.


In addition, curcumin lowers the levels of 2 enzymes that are responsible for causing inflammation. You can take these in a capsule form, or make a warm spicy tea to enjoy daily – here’s how.

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How to make turmeric and ginger tea to soothe achy joints

Yield: 2 cups


  • 2 cups water
  • 1/2 tsp ground turmeric
  • 1/2 tsp ground ginger
  • Honey to taste


  1. Bring the water to a boil.
  2. Add the ground turmeric and ginger to the water.
  3. Reduce to a simmer, and let it be for 10 to 15 minutes.
  4. Strain, then add honey to taste.

Tip: Enjoy a cup of this tea three or four times a day for best results.

Five golden rules for buying running shoes

Shopping for running shoes can be a real pain – there, I said it. Do you want a minimal style or one with tons of cushioning? Do you have flat feet or high arches? Do you want a neutral hue, pops of colour or a funky print? And, most importantly, we’ve been taught, do you pronate or supinate? How does your foot hit the ground?


Seriously… I’m exhausted just thinking about it! So many things to consider. So, to simplify things, here are a few tips for feeling out your next pair of perfect running shoes.

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Five tips for buying a pair of running shoes

#1: Say no to slippage

Your foot should be securely locked into your shoe. Think snug, not tight.

#2: Beware pinches or pressure points

While consistent contact pressure throughout the shoe is good, you don’t want any pinching points in the forefoot or instep when flexed. Also, note that any rubbing you feel now will only be amplified during your miles.

#3: Watch for flex appeal

Shoes should move with you. If they don’t bend along the same line that your foot flexes, toss them!

#4: Watch for incorrectly placed arch support

How do you know if this is the case? You’ll feel a bump, like something is out of place, or uncomfortable pressure under your arch.

#5: Seek out structure

Those fatty pads under your foot are a natural way of providing cushioning. A shoe with a moulded footbed actually keeps the fat pads under your feet while you run so they can do their job.

Now go on, and find your very own glass slipper!

Another five fitness rules for every gym bunny to live by

If you’re looking to get fit and stay fit, you’ve visited the right page!


This article is a follow-up of Five rules for any fitness freak to live by. You can read the original article here.


But now, here are any five fantastic ways to achieve fitness success as suggested by American personal trainer Joel Harper (whose clients range from Olympic medallists to Dr Oz).




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Another five ways to help you keep your fitness goals on track


#1: Eliminate excessive choices

Chocolate, croissant or oats? Grilled salmon or a quesadilla? When you have to make these types of dietary decisions all day long, you might end up exhausting your willpower. Harper suggests planning your meals in advance. “Even if it’s just one per day – it’ll make it easier (and less stressful) to eat healthy,” he says.

#2: Extinguish all escape routes!

We all know the classic, “if I don’t gym at lunchtime, I’ll do it tonight”. Or, even better, “I’ll have ice-cream today and get my diet back on track tomorrow.” Harper explains that any sort of procrastination runs the risk of bumping you off course. His advice: Don’t give yourself an out. “Stick to the path that leads you to your goal!” Harper says.

#3: Yield to traffic

It’s inevitable that from time to time, forces outside your control will interrupt your healthy routine. For example, when your partner proposes an impromptu date night right after you’ve diced up all the salad ingredients. “When things like this happen, try to go with the flow and enjoy yourself,” Harper suggests. He adds that you mustn’t however use times like these as opportunities to overeat or overindulge.

#4: Believe it, and you’ll become it

This rule is simple: “If you believe you can be in amazing shape, then you’ll do things on a day-to-day basis to accomplish it,” says Harper. But the problem is that you may carry around defeating believes. When you recognise a negative thought (for example, “I’m so uncoordinated”), ask yourself why you feel that may. “Don’t give those beliefs power,” Harper urges. “Just let them float away, like leaves that have fallen into a river. You have control over your thoughts. They don’t have control over you.”

#5: Jump for joy

Harper says his most successful clients are the ones who celebrate their milestones. “If you don’t appreciate your successes along the way, you risk becoming emotionally numb and non-reactive,” Harper explains. He suggests you give yourself regular (healthy!) rewards (like a massage, for example). This’ll provide you with a little added “oomph” to keep going. It’ll also help you push yourself even harder in the long run!

Four ways coffee can help you live happily ever active

A large number of people around the world start their day with coffee.


If you’ve always thought of coffee as a vice – one you’re totally unwilling to give up – you’ll be delighted to know that it’s actually a secret superfood!


And, if you exercise, caffeine can offer you incredible benefits for your workouts. Read on to find out more…

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Four reasons to drink coffee before working out


#1: It helps improve circulation

Recent Japanese research studied the effects of coffee on circulation in people who weren’t regular coffee-drinkers. Each participant drank one cup of regular or decaffeinated coffee. Researchers then measured the participants’ finger blood flows.

Those who downed regular (caffeinated) coffee experienced a 30% increase in blood flow over a 75-minute period. Those who opted for decaf experienced no increase in blood flow.

Since better circulation equals a better workout,gulp down a cuppa before you next hit the gym!

#2: It helps alleviate pain

Scientists at the University of Illinois recently found that consuming two to three cups of coffee one hour before a 30-minute high-intensity exercise helps reduce muscle pain.

And this means caffeine might help you push a little harder during your strength-training workouts. This will improve your muscle strength and endurance.

#3: It can help better your memory

A study published this year from John Hopkins University found that caffeine enhances your memory up to 24 hours after you consume it. Researchers gave people who didn’t regularly drink coffee either a placebo or 200mg of caffeine, five minutes after studying a series of images. The next day, they asked both groups to remember the images. The result: The “caffeinated group” scored significantly better.

This brain boost could be a great benefit during workouts – especially when you need to recall specific exercises or routines.

#4: It boosts your muscle fuel

A recent study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that a cup of java after exercising benefits your muscles.

Researchers found that compared to consuming solely carbohydrates, a caffeine-carb combo resulted in a 66% increase in muscle glycogen four hours after an intense workout. Glycogen, the form of carbohydrate that stockpiles in your muscles, is a vital energy “piggybank” during exercise. It powers strength movements and fuels endurance. Packing a greater reserve means that you’ll have upped your ability to exercise longer and harder next time.

Yes, these four benefits of drinking coffee are pretty amazing if you lead an active life. However, this doesn’t mean you should down as much coffee as you can. If you do, your good intentions may backfire.

Attention gym bunnies! Here are four pros and cons of running on the treadmill

What’s better: Running on a treadmill or outside on the pavement? It’s an age-old question.


And the truth is: There are pros and cons to both.


There are some workouts you can do more efficiently on a treadmill. However, running on a treadmill can create that aimless, never-ending “hamster wheel” feeling for some. I know it does for me, at least!


It also depends on your goals, injury history and preference.


Here are four pros and cons to running on a treadmill versus running outside on a pavement or trail.


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Pro: The difficulty level is the same

When it comes to running indoors versus out, the question of difficulty always arises. People assume that running outside is harder than inside. However, research proves that on a 1% incline, a treadmill accurately reflects the same energy costs of running outdoors. So, as long as you add a slight incline, it’s just as effective.

Pro: It’s far easier on your joints

The treadmill is after all a smooth, cushioned belt. It’s far more forgiving than hard pavement or cement! Running on a treadmill can help reduce impacts on your joints or body as a whole. This is especially helpful when recovering from an injury. Make sure you ease your way back after an injury. Alternating between treadmill and outdoor runs is better than going cold turkey!

Con: It’s easy to lose your agility

Although the treadmill might cushion your joints more, you don’t get the added benefit of running on an uneven pavement or trail. Even if the ground outside feels flat to you, it never is. you’re your foot and legs muscle are constantly adjusting. And this is great for your body! It’ll also improve your coordination and balance.

Treadmills help improve overall fitness, but they can’t mimic real-life situations. Especially not the ones simulated through running outdoors.

Con: You don’t work as many muscles

When you run on a treadmill, you don’t work as many muscles because there’s a machine powering the belt. Therefore, the muscle mechanics differ.

Outside, you rely on your hamstrings to finish each stride. On a treadmill, you still use your quads to push off, but your hamstrings aren’t as firing as they would be outdoors. When using the treadmill, ensure you’re also doing cross training to work your back leg muscles.