This peppermint mocha protein shake is the best post-workout drink ever!

This creamy, protein-packed post-workout smoothie combines two of my favourite things: Chocolate and coffee! And the addition of the mint leaves give the drink a refreshing flavour that I just adore. Enjoy!




Peppermint mocha post-workout protein smoothie recipe

Serves: 1


  • 1/2 cup soymilk
  • 1 cup plain Greek yoghurt
  • 1 cup fresh mint leaves, chopped
  • 1 frozen banana, peeled and sliced
  • 1 tbsp cacao powder
  • 2 tbsp instant coffee
  • Stevia to taste


  1. Combine all ingredients in your blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Pour into a glass, garnish with additional mint leaves if desired, and drink immediately.

Four tips for buying a great shaker bottle

A good shaker bottle is a must-have accessory for a health enthusiast. With these bottles, you can carry your drinks and protein shakes with you when you’re on the go or at the gym.


Because of the mixing mechanism, you don’t have to waste time getting your protein shake ready before drinking it. These handy bottles come in many shapes and sizes so you can easily pick out one that suits your needs. Here’s what I suggest you consider before buying a shaker bottle.

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Four tips for choosing the correct shaker bottle

You should look for the following aspects in a shaker bottle so you have no problems in using it for a long time:

#1: Go for a shaker with a good mixing mechanism

A shaker bottle should allow you to mix your protein powder smoothly. The bottle should prevent the formation of clumps of powder, which obviously no one enjoys! The mixing mechanism should mix the powder smoothly so you can have a creamy, smooth and enjoyable drink.

#2: Make sure the bottle is resistant to odour

Your bottle shouldn’t retain the odour of the previous shake (yuck!). This is important, as there can be times when you don’t use the bottle for prolonged periods of time. Choose bottles that are free from odour. There shouldn’t be any smell remaining inside the bottle after cleaning.

#3: Consider the durability of the shaker

You need a shaker bottle that can last for a long time. These should be strong enough to withstand a lot of hits before cracking or taking any sort of damage. I recommend quality plastic or stainless steel shakers.

#4: Look at the additional features of the shaker

You might be looking for a shaker bottle that gives you some extra features, such as a good grip  or additional space for storing items. Of course, you should also look to purchase a shaker that wasn’t produced with harmful chemicals.

I hope these handy tips of mine assist you in buying a good quality shaker bottle!

Drinking beetroot juice may just lengthen your workouts

A new study published in the American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology suggests that people who drink beetroot juice regularly can boost their exercise endurance. If you’re a gym bunny, you’ll want to keep reading to find out more!


PS: You might need to keep a stain stick on you at all times, though.

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How beetroot juice might lengthen your workouts

Beetroot juice AKA beet juice contains an excellent dose of inorganic nitrates, which “enhance oxygen delivery to your muscles and reduce the work of your heart”, according to a press release. So, you can exercise longer without fatigue! Pretty awesome, right?

What this new study found out about drinking beetroot juice and exercise endurance

The researchers had 14 healthy male participants to work with. Yes, a rather small sample size. Anyway, they drank beetroot juice for 15 days, during which they took measurements pertaining to blood pressure and heart function.

The team found that while the subjects were doing a progressive cycling exercise and while at rest, their blood pressure was lowered and their heart required less oxygen.

While this study may have been small, it still points to the potential of this earthy jewel of a vegetable. Why not try it out for yourself? I know I’m going to!

Here’s a quick list of workouts you can fit into your lunch hour

This is for all of you who consider yourselves too busy to work out. Sure, I get it – you work hard and only leave the office after 6pm most days. So, by the time you get in your car to go home, the last thing you feel like is heading to the gym for a good workout.


You’ll be glad to know, though, that there are a number of fantastic exercises you can do during your lunch hour at work to make sure you get some exercise in each day! They’re super-duper easy, and require no equipment and barely any space. Here’s to spending your lunch hour more productively!

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Three workout plans you can do during lunch

Each of these workouts are designed to get your heart rate up and provide you with strength training in 30 minutes. Walking for your warm-up is a good way to start. However, your new goal is to get to the point of jogging for the whole warm-up and cool-down period.

Workout plan #1

Walk/jog around perimeter of building for 10 minutes

  • 30 seconds of squats
  • 30 seconds of push-ups (on knees if needed)
  • 30 seconds reverse lunge on left leg
  • 30 seconds reverse lunge on right leg
  • 30 seconds triceps dips on a chair/curb/bench/picnic table
  • 1 minute plank on hands
  • 30 seconds side plank on right elbow
  • 30 seconds side plank on left elbow
  • Rest briefly and repeat two more times without initial jog, hydrating throughout
  • 5-minute cool down, slow jog around the building

Workout plan #2

  • Walk/jog for 10 minutes
  • 1 minute of jumping jacks
  • 30 seconds of squat and jumps
  • 1 minute of sit-ups
  • 30 seconds of jumping lunges
  • 1 minute plank on hands
  • 30 seconds of high knees
  • 1 minute of mountain climbers
  • 30 seconds of push-ups (on knees if needed)
  • Repeat once without initial warm-up
  • 5-minute cool-down, slow jog around building


Workout plan #3

Jump rope for 2 minutes

  • 1 minute of squats
  • Jump rope for 2 minutes
  • 1 minute of push-ups (on knees if necessary)
  • Fast jog for 2 minutes
  • 1 minute of bicycle crunches
  • Fast jog for 2 minutes
  • 1 minute of lateral lunges (30 seconds each side)
  • 5-minute cool-down

Four fabulous tips for tightening up loose skin after weight loss

Losing weight is a momentous achievement. But for some of us, having to contend with loose skin as a result of losing a great deal of weight can be very disappointing!


You might feel like you’ve won in one area but lost in another. But that’s not necessarily the case…


In fact, there are some great natural ways to increase your skin’s elasticity and tighten the areas in need. Today, I’m going to introduce you to some of them.

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Four ways to get rid of loose skin after losing weight

#1: Limit your sun exposure

Too much time in the sun will affect your skin’s elasticity. So limit the time you spend outdoors tanning, swimming, and so on.

This goes for tanning beds too. The rays in the beds can dry your skin out and damage skin cells at the same time.

When you do spend time in the sun, apply a natural moisturiser to your entire body once you’re out of it. Moisturisers rich in vitamins and aloe extract are fantastic for keeping your skin hydrated and firm.

#2: Scrub your body with sea salt

There are some researchers asserting that sea salt scrubs will help with blood flow to your skin, which will help tighten it up over time.

Visit your local health store and you’ll find there are a number of sea salt and mineral scrubs on the market. The plus? They’re cheap and fuss-free to use.

Simply use a sea salt scrub in the bath or shower three or four times a week with a pair of exfoliating gloves or a loofah. Your skin will start to look and feel better in just a couple of weeks. Go here to learn about how you can use sea salt to achieve gorgeous skin.

#3: Visualise tight skin

This might sound silly, but it’s helpful. Visualisation is a tool you can use to get your desires to come true. No, it doesn’t work like magic – but there’s power in envisioning your desires manifesting.

Many professional athletes use visualisation to help improve their performances. They believe it works because when you mentally see something, you tend to take more actions toward making your desires come true.

When you see your skin as tight, you’re more likely to do things like exercise, eat properly and follow through with my helpful tips. I give you full permission to daydream and take time each day to visualise yourself with a tight bod!

#4: Increase your water intake

Drinking a lot of water isn’t only fantastic for your overall health. It’s great for tightening up your loose skin, too!

Be sure to drink at least six glasses a day. Within a few weeks, you’ll begin to notice tighter, smoother, more radiant skin.

Hydration is vital for healthy skin and certainly helps with elasticity.

In addition to all of the above – be patient. When dealing with stretched, loose skin, it’s important to be patient as your body adapts to your new size.

Another five fitness rules for every gym bunny to live by

If you’re looking to get fit and stay fit, you’ve visited the right page!


This article is a follow-up of Five rules for any fitness freak to live by. You can read the original article here.


But now, here are any five fantastic ways to achieve fitness success as suggested by American personal trainer Joel Harper (whose clients range from Olympic medallists to Dr Oz).




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Another five ways to help you keep your fitness goals on track


#1: Eliminate excessive choices

Chocolate, croissant or oats? Grilled salmon or a quesadilla? When you have to make these types of dietary decisions all day long, you might end up exhausting your willpower. Harper suggests planning your meals in advance. “Even if it’s just one per day – it’ll make it easier (and less stressful) to eat healthy,” he says.

#2: Extinguish all escape routes!

We all know the classic, “if I don’t gym at lunchtime, I’ll do it tonight”. Or, even better, “I’ll have ice-cream today and get my diet back on track tomorrow.” Harper explains that any sort of procrastination runs the risk of bumping you off course. His advice: Don’t give yourself an out. “Stick to the path that leads you to your goal!” Harper says.

#3: Yield to traffic

It’s inevitable that from time to time, forces outside your control will interrupt your healthy routine. For example, when your partner proposes an impromptu date night right after you’ve diced up all the salad ingredients. “When things like this happen, try to go with the flow and enjoy yourself,” Harper suggests. He adds that you mustn’t however use times like these as opportunities to overeat or overindulge.

#4: Believe it, and you’ll become it

This rule is simple: “If you believe you can be in amazing shape, then you’ll do things on a day-to-day basis to accomplish it,” says Harper. But the problem is that you may carry around defeating believes. When you recognise a negative thought (for example, “I’m so uncoordinated”), ask yourself why you feel that may. “Don’t give those beliefs power,” Harper urges. “Just let them float away, like leaves that have fallen into a river. You have control over your thoughts. They don’t have control over you.”

#5: Jump for joy

Harper says his most successful clients are the ones who celebrate their milestones. “If you don’t appreciate your successes along the way, you risk becoming emotionally numb and non-reactive,” Harper explains. He suggests you give yourself regular (healthy!) rewards (like a massage, for example). This’ll provide you with a little added “oomph” to keep going. It’ll also help you push yourself even harder in the long run!

Five fitness rules for every gym bunny to live by

Do you want to join the “fitness hype”?


Or are you already a dedicated gym bunny?


Either way, you’ll love this read!


American personal trainer Joel Harper, who’s spent two decades helping clients (from Olympic medallists to Dr Oz) reach their fitness goals.


And today, I’m sharing five of his ten top ways to achieve your fitness goals with you. Keep reading.


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Five ways to help you keep your fitness on track!


#1: Shut out the noise!

By “noise”, Harper means negative thoughts. You know; those thoughts that flood your mind when your 5am alarm goes off. It’s so cold outside and I’m terribly tired, should I really force myself out of bed and to the gym? He says that when it comes to fitness, your mental static is your biggest obstacle. “Learn to filter it by focusing on positive thinking. It’s essential to your success,” Harper suggests.

#2: Maximise your inner motivation

To do this, you must be clear about why you want to get fit. “Figure out what’s really important to you,” Harper urges. “Do you want to lower your blood pressure? Fit into a size two? Or do you just want to feel better?” Motivation that lasts doesn’t come from outside sources like doctors or loved ones. It has to come from a personal, deep-rooted desire for change.

#3: Cultivate grit

Grit is the resolve and passion required on a daily basis to pursue your long-term goals. To cultivate it, you need to commit to consistency… No matter what! A fit person wakes up every day knowing he’ll do whatever it takes to stay on track. Harper says the secret is focussing on the thoughts that drive and inspire you. If it helps to remind yourself of how good you’ll feel post-workout, do that. If it motivates you to daydream about your future toned tummy, do that. Focus on exactly what you want to achieve and make every day count.

#4: Set specific intentions

The more detailed your daily goals and plans are, the better. In Harper’s book, he cites an English study on women enrolled in a weight loss program. The researchers asked half of the women to write down their strategies for managing temptation (for example: “when sugar cravings strike, I’ll make a cup of chai tea). After two months, these women lost twice as much weight as those in the control group did.

#5: Visualise your success

Harper explains that all of his new clients close their eyes and imagine their ideal body – from head to toe. So why not try that? Think about what your future body will look like, and how it’ll make you feel. Harper also says, “I tell my clients to go shopping. I say to them: ‘Hey, if you want that body, then buy clothes that would fit you if you had it. And try them on every day until they fit.’” I personally wouldn’t dispute any strategy that involves shopping!

If you liked this article, make sure you read the follow-up here for another five ways to keep fabulously fit!

Attention gym bunnies! Here are four pros and cons of running on the treadmill

What’s better: Running on a treadmill or outside on the pavement? It’s an age-old question.


And the truth is: There are pros and cons to both.


There are some workouts you can do more efficiently on a treadmill. However, running on a treadmill can create that aimless, never-ending “hamster wheel” feeling for some. I know it does for me, at least!


It also depends on your goals, injury history and preference.


Here are four pros and cons to running on a treadmill versus running outside on a pavement or trail.


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Pro: The difficulty level is the same

When it comes to running indoors versus out, the question of difficulty always arises. People assume that running outside is harder than inside. However, research proves that on a 1% incline, a treadmill accurately reflects the same energy costs of running outdoors. So, as long as you add a slight incline, it’s just as effective.

Pro: It’s far easier on your joints

The treadmill is after all a smooth, cushioned belt. It’s far more forgiving than hard pavement or cement! Running on a treadmill can help reduce impacts on your joints or body as a whole. This is especially helpful when recovering from an injury. Make sure you ease your way back after an injury. Alternating between treadmill and outdoor runs is better than going cold turkey!

Con: It’s easy to lose your agility

Although the treadmill might cushion your joints more, you don’t get the added benefit of running on an uneven pavement or trail. Even if the ground outside feels flat to you, it never is. you’re your foot and legs muscle are constantly adjusting. And this is great for your body! It’ll also improve your coordination and balance.

Treadmills help improve overall fitness, but they can’t mimic real-life situations. Especially not the ones simulated through running outdoors.

Con: You don’t work as many muscles

When you run on a treadmill, you don’t work as many muscles because there’s a machine powering the belt. Therefore, the muscle mechanics differ.

Outside, you rely on your hamstrings to finish each stride. On a treadmill, you still use your quads to push off, but your hamstrings aren’t as firing as they would be outdoors. When using the treadmill, ensure you’re also doing cross training to work your back leg muscles.

Eight tricks to help you stick to your diet (even over the weekends!)

During the week, you probably find it pretty easy to stick to your healthy eating habits. Eggs in the morning, gym during your lunch break and light dinners after work.


But when Friday night approaches, something changes…


Weekends mean time to let lose.


That translates into eating and drinking far too much paired with moving far too little. Even when you anticipate the challenge ahead and mentally prepare, the sabotage keeps happening!


Want to stop this cycle and nix the Monday morning remorse?  Continue reading.



Eight tricks to help you stick to your diet


Trick #1: Eat breakfast before brunch

This might sound like a mistake, but it’s not. Unless you wake up at 10am and brunch at noon, of course. It’s the best way to ensure you don’t overeat! The goal isn’t to eat two full meals, but to ensure you’re not starving by the time your friends join the table. Some fruit with a half-cup of low fat yoghurt should tide you over until the main event.

Trick #2: Always eat at a table

Being home all day means non-stop munching. Sounds harmless, but those little nibbles add up fast. Instead of binge-eating eating in front of the fridge, make time to prepare a real meal, and sit down at the dining table to enjoy it.

Trick #3: Order two starters

When dining out, don’t be tempted to try multiple dishes. Satisfy your hunger by ordering two starters instead of a starter plus a main meal. Many restaurants will allow you to turn an entrée into an appetizer by ordering a half-portion. Don’t be afraid to ask!

Trick #4: Get the Bloody Mary, the chicken nuggets or the pancakes

There’s nothing wrong with indulging now and then. However, the key here is to make smart choices. When you treat yourself, ensure you don’t go completely overboard. If you’d love a Bloody Mary at Friday night dinner, skip the chicken nuggets or pancakes the next day in favour of egg whites and veggies. If you’re craving fluffy carbs, fine have the pancakes – but then skip the booze! And, of course, go easy on the syrup.

Trick #5: Always eat healthy foods first

Weekends are often full of weddings, cocktail parties, birthdays and other events. And that only means one thing: Tons of tasty (and free) food! But before you pile your plate, check the offerings. Load up on the healthiest items first. Then, go for the high calorie treats.

Trick #6: Order vodka and soda instead of vodka tonic

You already know alcoholic drinks are calorie bombs. Especially if you opt for fruity mixed cocktails! Vodka tonic isn’t a terrible choice, but tonic contains corn syrup. Basically, it’s still pretty calorie-loaded. If you can stop at one, it’s no big deal. But if you’re having several throughout one evening, opt for vodka soda instead.

Trick #7: Keep blabbing about your efforts

When gathered with friends watching a Netflix movie, it’s difficult to stop chomping on the finger foods. So speak up beforehand. Ask the host to provide healthier options, or bring your own. Also tell your friends about your healthy eating efforts. This will gain their support and make it easier for you.

Trick #8: Never stop planning ahead

Take a Friday afternoon each week and plan. Decide what you’ll treat yourself to that weekend. Allow yourself one special thing you wouldn’t typically eat during the week. Heading to a birthday dinner? No problem – no need to skip the cake! But then make sure you opt for the calamari starter. And leave room for cocktails by passing on the chips. Knowing what’s in store and planning ahead will result in positive outcomes!