Two top reasons to invest in a good pair of running shoes

The best running shoes are shoes that’ll be kind and gentle on your feet throughout any running exercise. This benefit will reflect itself in its most striking way immediately after a race or a workout, when the way your feet feel then is a good indication of whether or not you have the right pair.


A good number of people today still don’t realise the importance of investing in a good pair of running shoes. So, here are two very important reasons to wear a proper pair of running shoes.

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Two reasons to run in proper running shoes

#1: To avoid blisters and other pains

If you use any kind of shoes – even ones for other types of athletic purposes – when you run, you’ll end up with sore feet. A further taboo is picking the wrong kind of socks to make matters that much worse.

Cotton socks are a big no-no when it comes to picking socks for running due to their tendency to cause friction against your skin. If you wear unwieldy or inappropriate shoes and cotton socks, you can expect to see your feet in bad shape after your run.

It’s also noteworthy to point out that this adverse effect will happen rather quickly, too. If you want to avoid blisters and the effects of sore feet, invest in proper running socks and shoes.

#2: For a perfect fit to your foot

Good running shoes will do one thing and provide one benefit first and foremost: A snug, comfortable, well-shape fit that’s tailored to your foot as much as possible. Proper running shoes will also make your feet feel lighter as you run.

The problem that’s caused by the rubbing of your heels against the wrong kind of shoe during running – which creates the onset of blisters – is also absent with the right pair of shoes. You’ll feel no nagging rubbing against your heel.

Nowadays, most athletic shoe stores provide in-store machine tests that shoe your foot type and, consequently, what type of running shoe fits your foot best.

Happy running!