Lose your unwanted belly fat with coconut oil!

Coconut oil is one of the most weight loss-friendly fats in the world. Rich in a combination of fatty acids, it promotes optimal metabolism function which ultimately helps with weight loss!

Several studies show that by simply adding coconut oil to your diet, you can lose fat – especially the “dangerous” fat in your abdominal area, which has been linked to chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

To learn more about how coconut oil can help you lose weight and belly fat, keep reading!


Four ways that coconut oil helps with fat loss

#1: Coconut oil boosts your energy levels

Coconut oil is comprised mainly of medium-chain triglycerides AKA MCTs and lauric acid. This essential fatty acid metabolises differently in comparison to other saturated fats, such as those you find in dairy and meat products.

Your body doesn’t store MCTs as fat, but instead transports them directly to your liver, where they’re quickly converted into energy. So what does this mean for your weight loss efforts?

By adding two or three tablespoons to your daily dietary regimen, you’ll boost your energy levels by an average of 5% for a full 24-hour period! I find that adding coconut oil to my morning smoothie is the best way to get my energy kick for the day.

#2: Coconut oil decreases hunger and curbs pesky cravings

You already know that MCTs go directly to your liver during digestion. Not only does this provide your body with a natural energy boost, the processing of MCTs also forms keytone bodies, which have the added benefit of reducing hunger and curbing cravings.

I recommend enjoying two to three tablespoons of coconut oil each day to feel fuller for longer and to kick the habit of snacking on unhealthy foods between meals. You can enjoy the oil in tea, coffee, smoothies or directly from the jar!

#3: Coconut oil burns fat amazingly fast

Are you looking to reduce your daily caloric intake and lose weight faster without compromising your health? Well, then, you’re in the right place. Coconut oil enhances your body’s ability to digest food and absorb nutrients so that you can eat less without feeling unsatisfied, tired or weak all the time.

Plus, because coconut oil is a natural mood enhancer, eating it daily will help you reduce your stress levels and feel more motivated to partake in heart-healthy activities, which will only help you burn off persistent fat stores even faster – bonus!

Consuming coconut oil regularly will power up your body’s fat-burning potential – especially for losing stubborn belly fat. It will also regulate your appetite, improve digestion and just make you feel great!

#4: Coconut oil helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels

Because your body absorbs coconut oil easily without the need for digestive enzymes, your pancreas is less stressed and able to produce insulin more effectively. Plus, as a saturated fat, coconut oil makes it easier for your cells to bind with insulin during digestion.

When your body has the required amounts of insulin, your cells get the glucose (or blood sugar) that they need to fuel your daily activities. So how exactly does this translate into belly fat loss?

A daily serving or two of coconut oil will help your body maintain healthy blood sugar levels by promoting the efficient use and production of insulin. As a result this will provide your cells with more glucose to give you energy and help you lose fat.

PS: Just remember – coconut oil is high in calories, so it’s important that you use it in moderation. I recommend limiting your intake to one or two tablespoons a day to avoid unwittingly sabotaging your weight loss efforts. Good luck!

Why you should start using coconut oil as toothpaste

You’ve heard it already – coconut oil has endless uses. But one you may be unaware of is that it’s an incredible base for toothpaste!

Conventional toothpastes are packed with harmful chemicals and agents, but alternative natural formulas are expensive.

So why not start using coconut oil as toothpaste as an affordable alternative that’s excellent for your oral health? Here are three reasons why you should make the switch ASAP.


Three benefits of brushing your teeth with coconut oil

#1: It’s completely natural

As already mentioned, one of the biggest downsides to traditional toothpastes is the harsh chemicals that they contain. Some toothpastes even provide a warning on the label that tells you to call poison control if you swallow some. If it’s not safe to swallow, do you really want to be using it?

Coconut oil, on the other hand, is completely natural. It contains no harmful chemicals and is actually super-healthy to eat, so if you swallow some, it would only benefit your health!

#2: It’s anti-bacterial

Coconut oil has powerful anti-bacterial properties and is very effective at killing the bad bacteria in your mouth. I like to think of it as Mother Nature’s mouthwash!

Oil pulling, which entails swishing coconut oil around in your mouth, will in fact give you the same effect as a traditional mouthwash. It’s a fantastic practice to adopt to improve your oral health.

#3: It contains no foaming agents

Toothpastes commonly contain a soap called sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS). It’s used as a foaming agent to give people the illusion that the toothpaste is cleaning their teeth simply because it’s foaming up.

However, SLS has been linked to canker sores, a very painful oral problem that you surely don’t want to deal with.

Four fabulous coconut oil skincare treatments to try at home

Coconut oil is a truly incredible natural gift from the earth. Loaded with beneficial nutrients and vitamins, it’s just the thing to add to your homemade skincare treatments to moisturise, nourish and protect your skin!




Four ways to treat your skin with coconut oil

#1: Coconut oil face wash

  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp raw honey
  • 5 drops apple cider vinegar
  • 5 drops tea tree oil

Simply mix ingredients together and rub well into your face. Wash off with cool water.

#2: Coconut oil acne face mask

  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp raw honey
  • 1 tbsp plain full-fat yoghurt
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 5 drops lavender oil

Mix ingredients thoroughly and apply to your face and neck. Leave on for ten minutes, then rinse off with warm water.

#3: Coconut oil face and body scrub

  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp brown sugar
  • 1 tsp carrot juice
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • Splash of raw milk

Blend the ingredients together and rub gently onto your face and body in the shower or bath. Wash off with clean water.

#4: Coconut oil moisture mask

  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp raw honey
  • 1/2 avocado, mashed
  • 1 egg

Blend the ingredients together well and apply to your skin and hair. Leave on for ten minutes, then rise off with warm water.

Eight coconut health secrets for optimal health

If you’re anything like me, you prefer the basic facts highlighted for you in good old bullet point fashion. So, here’s everything important you need to know about the naturally occurring health benefits of coconut tree products!

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Eight incredible benefits of coconut tree products

#1: They help prevent weight gain and obesity

By speeding up your metabolism and providing an immediate source of energy with fewer calories than other fats, eating coconut can help stave off hunger for several hours with no effects of hypoglycaemia.

#2: They improve heart health

Coconuts do this by providing healthy short- and medium-chain fatty acids that are essential to heart health. Close to 98% of all fatty acids consumed are composed of long-chain fatty acids, which are very different from medium-chain ones that have no negative effect on cholesterol ratios, and help lower the risk of atherosclerosis and protect against heart disease.

#3: They’re a great source of dietary fibre

Rivalling other fibre sources such as wheat bran, oat bran, rice bran and psyllium, coconut supplies an impressive 61% dietary fibre! Foods contain two types of carbohydrates: Digestible and non-digestible. Digestible carbs (soluble fibre) consist of starch and sugar and promote calories. Non-digestible carbs (insoluble fibre) contain no calories. Since the body can’t digest dietary fibre in coconut, no calories are derived from it and it has no effect on blood sugar.

#4: They have a low glycaemic index

Glycaemic index (GI) measures how fast available carbohydrates in food raise blood sugar levels. Coconut fibres slow down the release of glucose, therefore requiring less inulin to utilise the glucose and transport it into the cell where it’s converted into energy. Coconut also assists in relieving stress on the pancreas and enzyme systems of the body, in turn reducing the risks associated with diabetes.

#5: They reduce sugar cravings

The healthy fat in coconut slows down any rise in blood sugar and helps reduce hypoglycaemic cravings. Coconuts also improve insulin secretion and utilisation of blood glucose.

#6: They aid digestion

Coconuts improve many of the symptoms and inflammatory conditions associated with digestive disorders by supporting absorption of other nutrients including vitamins, minerals and amino acids, while also providing beneficial dietary fibre.

#7: They provide a quick energy boost

Coconut gives the body provides a super-nutritious source of extra energy. The body utilises coconuts to actually produce energy, rather than to store it as a body fat. Coconuts also support improved endurance during physical and athletic performance, and promote healthy thyroid function, which in turn relieves the symptoms of chronic fatigue.

#8: They pack numerous beneficial properties

Coconut contain no trans-fats, they’re gluten-free, non-toxic and hypoallergenic, and they contain antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-parasitic healing properties.

If that isn’t enough reason to start eating and using more coconut, I’m not sure what is!

Get your skin back into tip top condition with this sea salt and coconut oil face scrub recipe

Here’s a moisturising and brightening face scrub recipe that’s all-natural, vegan and most importantly, super-simple to make. I hope you’ll love it!



Sea salt and coconut oil face scrub recipe

You’ll need:

  • 1 1/2 tbsp finely-ground sea salt
  • 2 tbsp virgin organic coconut oil
  • Small bowl for mixing


  1. In a small mixing bowl, mix together the sea salt and coconut oil.
  2. Gently apply the mixture to clean, dry skin.
  3. Massage the mixture into your skin using a circular motion for 30 to 60 seconds before wiping it off with a cool, wet facecloth.
  4. Pat dry your skin with a soft towel.

Voila! Soft, moisturised, radiant skin. This scrub is gentle enough to use every day.

Make your own non-toxic sunscreen at home with shea butter and coconut oil

I’m completely crazy about sun protection. I’d like to attribute this to being admirably health conscious, but, no… My preoccupation has much more to do with the fear of sunspots and wrinkles! However, I struggle to find sunscreen that I like wearing.


I’m yet to find a conventional sun cream that doesn’t either break me out, smell gross or cost a fortune. And that’s why I make my own sunscreen – using just a few natural ingredients like shea butter and coconut oil.



The benefits of making your own shea butter and coconut oil sunscreen

First off, it’s totally natural! It’s also a whole lot cheaper than store-bought sunscreens, which are all crammed with synthetics. The pleasant nutty vanilla smell of this homemade sunscreen is another plus, and will make you want to slather it on every day.

The ingredients included in this sunscreen are all natural sun protectants. In addition, they’re all great moisturisers, and will keep your skin hydrated while protecting it from the harmful UV rays of the sun.

How to make your own shea butter and coconut oil sunscreen


  • 1/4 cup shea butter (SPF 4-6)
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil (SPF 4-6)
  • 1/4 cup beeswax
  • 2 tbsp zinc oxide powder (SPF 20)
  • 20 drops carrot seed oil (SPF 35-40)
  • 1 tsp raspberry seed oil (SPF 25-50)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp vitamin E oil

Note: I’ve included the natural SPF of these ingredients, but since the combination hasn’t been tested by anything other than my own haphazard sun exposure, rely on the zinc oxide to provide your protection.


  1. Combine the shea butter, coconut oil and beeswax in a large jar.
  2. Place the jar into a saucepan of water and heat on a low setting.
  3. Once the ingredients have melted, remove from heat and leave to cool for five minutes.
  4. Stir in the zinc oxide powder. Be careful not to inhale it – it’s toxic when ingested.
  5. Place the mixture in the fridge to cool for 30 minutes or until the texture is whippable.
  6. Remove from the fridge and add in the oils and extracts.
  7. Whip together properly. If you don’t evenly distribute the ingredients, it won’t adequately protect you and you’ll end up needing Botox (or, you know, worse things than that!).
  8. Decant the mixture and you’ve done it! You now have your very own homemade sunscreen.

If you keep the sunscreen in the fridge it’ll last for up to six months. But you should reapply it every few hours, so it shouldn’t last that long anyway!

Don’t make these six bulletproof coffee mistakes!

Bulletproof coffee is a healthy upgrade for your regular cup of Joe. Healthy fats are blended and frothed into richly-brewed coffee, resulting in a cup of coffee satisfying enough to double as a morning meal!


While bulletproof coffee is pretty simple to make, it’s important you keep these guidelines in mind to avoid mixing up a cup of java that lacks the qualities that a classic cup of bulletproof coffee is known for!

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Six bulletproof coffee mistakes

#1: Using chemical-laden instead of organic coffee

Not all coffee is equal. The wrong coffee (as in those that contain mycotoxins) will zap your energy, leaving you feeling sluggish and irritable. To avoid chemicals, opt for organic coffee.

#2: Using grain-fed instead of grass-fed butter

Only use grass-fed butter. Butter from grain-fed animals has a different fat composition – it doesn’t blend as well or taste as good, and it lacks fat-soluble vitamins (which is one of the reasons this coffee at hand is described as “bulletproof”). Also, don’t use low-fat or butter substitutes!

#3: Not adding in MCT oil

Butter alone doesn’t make your cup of coffee bulletproof. The MCT oil in your bulletproof coffee is what promotes high energy, fat loss and increased brain function. It also makes the coffee have a better feel in your mouth.

#4: Drinking it as a meal replacement

It’s tempting to drink a cup of bulletproof coffee as a meal because it’s so filling. A few times a week is acceptable, but replacing a meal means you’ll be missing out on vital nutrients and protein.

#5: Not blending well

Blend, blend, blend! Or it simply won’t taste the same. Stirring won’t emulsify your bulletproof coffee. To get that delicious rich and creamy texture, you must use a blender.

#6: Adding in flavoured syrups

If you must add a sweeteners, use stevia, erythritol or xylitol. Use caution when adding sugar-free flavoured syrups. The extra carbohydrates quickly add up and may act like sugar for some low-carbers.

To learn how to make your own bulletproof coffee, go here now.

Combat dandruff and dry scalp with this coconut oil scalp treatment

Nothing’s quite as annoying as a dry or itchy scalp that’s prone to dandruff – am I right? It’s almost debilitating to deal with this type of scalp condition. Trying to find a conventional treatment that covers these issues may leave you at yours wits end!


Instead of spending hours in the pharmacy or beauty store, it may be in your best interest to whip up a treatment at home. Here’s a brilliant natural remedy for dandruff and dry scalp using natural oils.



Coconut oil dandruff and dry scalp treatment

You’ll need:

  • 5 tbsp virgin organic coconut oil
  • 4 drops tea tree oil
  • 4 drops rosemary oil or eucalyptus oil

What to do:

  1. In a small bowl, mix up all of the ingredients.
  2. Apply the oil mixture to your scalp using your fingertips.
  3. Gently massage the mixture into your scalp.
  4. Leave the oil in your hair for 15 to 20 minutes, then shampoo your hair as normal.

How often to apply this coconut oil scalp treatment

To see promising results, use this treatment on your scalp once or twice a week.

This crunchy coconut oatmeal smoothie bowl is the perfect springtime breakfast!

I just love creamy oats in the mornings, which is probably why I’m all for this delicious coconut oatmeal smoothie bowl recipe. You get the best of both worlds from this divine smoothie bowl: The subtle taste of coconut and the creaminess of oats. Yum! Oh, and the little chew and sweet flavour from the mango is great, too!


This smoothie bowl is the perfect pop of springtime freshness. You’ve got to try it for yourself. Enjoy!



Coconut oatmeal smoothie bowl recipe

Serves: 2

Ingredients to blend:

  • 1 frozen banana, sliced
  • 1/2 cup rolled oats (use gluten-free if necessary)
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 1 tbsp chia seeds or chia gel
  • 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • Pinch of salt

Ingredients for topping:

  • 1/2 fresh mango, chopped
  • 2 blocks dark chocolate, chopped
  • Fresh mint leaves
  • Black sesame seeds
  • Coconut flakes (preferably unsweetened)
  • Melted coconut oil (for drizzling)


  1. Combine all the blending ingredients in a blender and whiz on high-speed until completely smooth.
  2. Pour the smoothie mixture into a bowl, then garnish with the topping ingredients.
  3. Serve with a spoon and enjoy immediately.