Ten tasty herbal teas you should have stocked in your kitchen at all times

I have a collection of herbal teas stocked in my kitchen. They help me maintain a healthy lifestyle, which is very important to me! Here’s a list of my ten favourites in my cupboard. Choose the ones most suitable for you and sip them regularly. Enjoy!




Ten amazing herbal teas

#1: Matcha green tea

Very high in antioxidants, which are mainly responsible for protecting your cells and compounds from pollutants and damages.

#2: Red clover tea

Helps reduce the symptoms and discomforts of menopause. It also helps improve sleep, strengthen bones and reduce depression.

#3: Rooibois tea

Contains polyphenols that are antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and have anti-mutagenic properties. It’s also excellent for giving your immune system a boost.

#4: Cinnamon tea

Loaded with antioxidants, and is antiviral, antibacterial as well as antifungal. It’s a fantastic remedy for many ailments and can even help you manage your weight.

#5: Chamomile tea

Broadly known as “bedtime soother” because of its incredible effectiveness on insomnia. It’s also fantastic for simply calming your mind and body.

#6: Ginger tea

An amazing remedy for cold, fever, aches and pains, and sometimes the early stages of infections because of its warming and antibacterial effects.

#7: Peppermint tea

Relieves nausea and vomiting, and also helps break down fat of your digestion system by stimulating bile production in your gallbladder.

#8: Fennel tea

An excellent remedy for digestive issues like cramping and bloating. It also helps your body detox because of its impressive diuretic quality.

#9: Marigold tea

Often used to heal cuts and infection, it boasts serious antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It can also help clean out gum and tooth infections.

#10: Dandelion root tea

Bursting with minerals and vitamins, just one cup will add a ton of healing properties to your diet chart. It also helps cleanse your liver and ensures a healthy digestion cycle.

How many of these fabulous teas do you enjoy?

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